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Getting Started

Providing Everything You Need


Essentials for Beginners

Golf can seem daunting for beginners, which is why at GolfHER, we've created a Beginner's Guide to Golf included in our Free Par Player membership. Joining our community provides a safe space to learn and ask as many questions as needed.


Additionally, we will be offering GolfHER Skool, where you can learn at your own pace and receive the ultimate guidance to kickstart your golfing journey. Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, GolfHER has everything you need to succeed in the sport.


As a beginner, having the right equipment can make all the difference in your game. Looking for recommendations? Drop us an message and we'll point you in the right direction!


Upgrading Your Gear

Looking to take the next step? GolfHER can connect you with a trusted pro from your area and help set up golf lessons for you. As you progress in your golfing journey, you may find yourself wanting to upgrade and invest in higher-quality equipment tailored to your playing style and preferences.


This could include specialty clubs like hybrids or fairway woods, as well as accessories such as gloves, rangefinders, and specialized golf apparel designed for performance and comfort. Looking for recommendations? Drop us an message and we'll point you in the right direction!

Golf Equipment

Investing in the Game

When you reach a point where you're serious about improving your game and maximizing your potential, it's time to consider getting fitted for clubs. Club fitting involves working with a professional to assess your swing mechanics, body measurements, and personal preferences to customize your clubs for optimal performance.


This personalized fitting experience ensures that your clubs are perfectly suited to your unique needs, helping you play your best and enjoy the game to the fullest. So when you're ready to take your game to the next level, don't hesitate to schedule a club fitting session and elevate your golfing experience! Contact us at GolfHER if you would like a recommendation on where to get fitted.

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